04 December 2007

Lifetime Meets The Weather Channel

The old adage "When It Rains, Its Pours" is consuming my life right now.

Not only is Seattle recovering from a massive precipitation violation, but the hits just keep on coming.

Two of my very dear friends are facing major health issues with their fathers. I can't even imagine what they are going through and, of course, I feel even more helpless because we are all in different states. Are we seriously at the age where I find myself writing emails to my friends telling them 'my thoughts & prayers are with you" and "everything is going be okay" or "if you need anything..." I've had to write 2 of these emails in as many days. I'm not ready for life to come at me this fast.

And I definitely just worked a 16 hour day.

It's raining all right, but I'm definitely not singing in it. I'm pretty sure I'm sinking in it.

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