09 October 2007

The Only Thing Constant Is Change

As all the autumn leaves begin to change color and fall to the ground, I am reminded of the consistency of change. Change, in and of itself, is an oxymoron. Change never changes--it's always constant.

Change your clothes.

Change your water filter.

Change your plan.

Change your mind.

Change your life.

It's not the change that is hard--it's adjusting to the change. The environment that is left after the excitement of something new wears off and the only thing you're left with is the cold hard truth that where you are is no longer where you were. And while this can obviously be a great thing, sometimes that's not the case. I find myself always thinking of the way things were, which handicaps my ability to think of what will be.

In the end, it's the changes that make life interesting--if everything stayed the same, life would be dull and boring.

Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights.
~Pauline R. Kezer

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