22 July 2008

Miss Organized...

The last week or so I've been given a FANTASTIC project at work! Quite possibly the best project anyone could ever give me.

Erin has invited me to organize the entire store. Yep. Organize the ENTIRE STORE.

The first couple of days I kind of just sat in the back rooms and stared at the daunting task ahead of me. Sure, you can organize your file folders, your sock drawers, even your pictures. But the key to this little undertaking is that it must be a system that is easily implemented and flawlessly maintained. We received new product 4 times a week! That is a large quantity of product going on the shelves and so much flying off the shelves.

So far it's been alot of fun rearranging things, moving the racks, getting feedback from the partners and seeing my progress. I'm nowhere near being complete. Once I get the big things settled, I have my eyes set on organizing the 'floor'--the area where the baristas work hard to make your fantastic lattes, frappuccinos, mochas and teas. My aim there is to make their work easier, less cluttered and aesthetically appealing.

Erin even gave me a title for this adventure: Inventory Management Specialist.

She knows me pretty well, eh?

1 comment:

em said...

yay for this fun new part of your job! i bet it looks great!